The Ultimate Tool For Self-Storage Investing Success

Jeremiah Boucher is one of America’s largest and fastest-growing investors in the self-storage sector, with over 65 properties and 15k+ storage units in his portfolio. And he has now produced a Self-Storage Investing Boot Camp to explain his theories on identifying, evaluating, negotiating, performing due diligence on, renegotiating, financing, turning around, and operating self-storage properties – whether it’s your first or your next in a series of acquisitions.

As a veteran of the industry, Jeremiah has developed several theories, tricks, and shortcuts that can save you – and make you – hundreds of thousands of dollars. He explains it in an easy-to-use fashion, and all of these lessons learned make complete sense as he strives to create the science behind successful storage buying and operating.

In this video, Jeremiah explains his background and experience and gives you a feel for the high quality of this Boot Camp, which is unlike any other resource in the self-storage sector. The material is fact-based and fast-paced, directly resulting from a vast depth of experience and a fresh perspective on an industry that has been focused for too long on the largest owners and the model of only buying properties in expensive urban markets. Instead, Jeremiah focuses on suburban and exurban markets where the prices are low, rents are cheap, and opportunity is vast. It’s also perfectly aligned with the megatrends in America today, which is an entirely different place than in the 1970s – 1990s (when most other storage educational products were developed).

Watch the video, take a look at the Self-Storage Investing Boot Camp course, and see if this is not the best tool you can have in your toolbox if you want to make money with self-storage in today’s market.