The April 2024 Self Storage Investing Newsletter

Self Storage University Podcast: Episode 98 - The Problem With Cash

Bank interest rates are at the highest level in the past 40 years. But it still doesn’t make sense to buy a storage facility with all-cash. In this Self-Storage University podcast we’re going to discuss why buying properties with 100% cash and no debt is not a winning concept except in certain circumstances.

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The Pitfalls of Over-Documenting: When Not to Put It in Writing

It’s a standard piece of advice from lawyers: “Make sure you have it in writing.” Indeed, for many agreements to be legally binding—particularly those involving real estate, large sums of money, or contracts extending beyond six months—a written record is essential. Writing things down can help avoid misunderstandings by clearly defining terms and conditions.

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Self Storage University Podcast: Episode 97 - What Happens When You Combine Direct Mail And Cold Calling

There are several ways to find a self-storage facility to buy. Two of the best are “cold-calling” and “direct mail” – but happens when you combine them together? In this Self-Storage University podcast we’re going to review the powerful force that can be created by combining the postal service and the telephone.

Listen To Episode 97

The Rise of Self-Storage: Capitalizing on America's Megatrends

In America today, the booming self-storage sector is a reflection of several overarching megatrends reshaping the nation's landscape. With a staggering 10% of U.S. households now utilizing self-storage solutions compared to just 5.9% in 1995, we're witnessing a 65% surge in demand. The question is, why is self-storage becoming so integral to American life?

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